Beautiful, touching tribute, full of love, laughter, and tears. I can hear Jeff’s voice in every chapter. Thanks, Cliff, for providing us with a way to visit our friend again and again.
Julie Hadley
Former Assistant to the Food Service Director – Gow School (‘06-‘07)
I am reading the book and more than half way through. I love the book! I
like the print and the feel of the pages making the book easier to read.
You expressed it with love of Jeff, his humor with you and the family. It's
filled with love of family, friends, and encouraging for us to enjoy and live
life each day. We need to have our faith to hold us together despite
sadness that often happens.
God's peace,
Diane Hagler
I received your touching tribute to Jeff yesterday - and finished it this morning. Thanks for making me cry through tears of laughter. I could hear his voice in every phrase and you did a great job of bringing him back to life for me. I can imagine that there were many times when this wasn't an easy book to write, but I'm so happy that you did. I used to think it was just me, or the other girls in the kitchen, or the Gow boys that he teased, but after reading the book I can see that I got off pretty lightly!
I was at the Gow School dining hall a month ago, interviewing some of the International students for a profile article that we ran in the East Aurora advertiser. I had my mighty I-phone at the ready to record our conversations, but when I got home to transcribe them...nothing!
The voice memo app showed something was there, but when I tried to play it back, not one word had made it. I had to write the thing from memory and my pitiful notes, and I just know Jeff had something to do with this!
Congratulations on a wonderful reflection of a truly unique soul. I've left the copy for my daughters, both of whom worked for Jeff at Gow, to read. I'm sure they'll find that it brings back as many fond memories for them as it did for me. Best regards, Julie Hadley.
I got my book last night when I got home from work and I read it until I was done. I had trouble putting it down. What an amazing way to share his life. As I read through I thought about Jeff and his friendship with Juli and my first year in the Jr/Sr high.
Of course, as you know, my sister Davine had passed just two months before and Juli had graduated ahead of her class. I was this stupid little kid in 7th grade, but I will NEVER forget my first day and sitting alone in the lunch room.
Jeff happened to have the same lunch as me and shortly after I sat down, alone, he came over and asked me to come sit with him and some other seniors. He told me he didn't like to see a Horton sitting alone!
He made a very scary moment not so bad and he always said hello to me, asked me how I was, and inquired of Juli.
I just wanted to share that with you. I don't think I've ever shared it with anyone. He just always made me feel welcome anytime that I felt crappy!
Sarah Horton Dosser---------------
I put this book down once. When I was done reading it. Matt Snell - Gasport, NY
Hi Cliff,
I got my book in the mail on Monday night and tonight at 11:45 I have almost finished it.
Everytime I think about Jeff working at the Gow School I wonder about how there must have been hundreds of kids and there was no way how could he know them all.
Then I read about the prayer shawl that Jacob and Martha Poydma made for him and was amazed once again at what a small world it truly is and what a true impact he made.
I cannot begin to understand what you went through but I have been privy to a different side of Jeff that I never would have known if you had not written this book.
My deepest condolences go out to you and your family that this is the way people had to learn of your brother's wonderful zest for life.
I thank you for letting us into your world and letting us get to know your brother Jeff a little better. God bless you and thank you for your wonderful talent.
Michelle Schultz
I started reading Oh Brother today and right from the start I started laughing. "Sprinsteen" I only read the first three chapters and I teared up several times followed by a laughter. As I was reading some of the memories you guys had of Jeff I started thinking about the time I was standing on the back porch of Meems house in Maryland. I showed Jeff a Don Mattingly signed sweat shirt and baseball I had and somehow he conned me into selling them to him. I can't wait to finish the book.
Dave Neisser
Of my 29 years on this earth I can not say that I have had a friendship that mirrors the one that Cliff and Jeff shared. My only comparison would be the one my wife Katie and I hold together. As an author, you did a fine job of expressing this friendship with Jeff. As a reader you helped me realize that rare friendships as these are not to be taken for granted. The unfortunate events in this book should make everyone who reads it agree.We need to celebrate our love.
Thank you all for reading the story and for your heartfelt words! Please let everyone you know and all the people you run into know. Jeff's message is important to share!