Monday, January 3, 2011


It was our first semester at UB. We lived in the South campus dorms but not together. It was a big V shaped building, and he lived at one end, I lived at the other.  Being how things usually shook out, I spent most of the time at his place. His floor mates were cooler than mine and I had a crush on the chick who lived across the hall from him.

One night we went out to do some drinking.  I don't remember how much we had, but on this particular night, I was the one who blacked out, not him.  I don't remember how we got home, when we got home - nothing.  What I do remember is waking up in the hallway of my dorm, in my bed, in my underwear with people walking past me laughing.  After I fully realized I was a spectacle in the dorm hallway, I pounded on the door to my room. My roommate opened the door, laughing.  
"What time is it?" I asked
I looked at him strangely and asked,"Why the hell am I sleeping in the hallway on my #%$ing bed?".  He recounted the story for me:  I had come home drunk, and passed out in my bed.  Ten minutes later, Jeff showed up knocking at the door.  My roomate let him in. He said Jeff tried to wake me up but I was KO' d.  So, Jeff rolled me off the bed and onto the floor. He then flipped my bed up and took the several trips to put it in the hall.  He put the bed back together out in the hallway, dragged me out there in a sound sleep and put me back in the bed.
I was pretty unhappy.  I took a shower and got dressed, and went over to his room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and when he saw me, he started laughing so hard that he pissed his pants.
"Why would you do something like that?"  I asked.
"Oh come on that's classic." 
Ten minutes later we were having a beer while he made us some lunch; still laughing his ass off.

Submitted by Pops

1 comment:

  1. That is an absolute classic! He lived for those moments...and they came once a day at least!
