Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sally Stoodntookit was a Guest at Your Wedding Too?

Hey Carrie,

Finished the book in one sitting last night. Realized I wasn't lucky enough to have known Jeff the way so many of you did, but then it hit me! I actually have a story to share:

Many people probably remember October 23, 1993 as the day Joe Carter hit the homer to win the World Series, but it was actually my wedding day, too. We had Cliff on the guest list and his date for the evening was none other than his little brother, Jeff. Considering the other stories, I think we got off easy, but here's what I remember. Things went very well that night and people still tell us how much fun they had at our wedding. When the dancing had ended and it was time for us to leave, we grabbed our things and headed out the door. Jan had filled our car with the things we needed and he led me out to the front doors. I was exhausted from the hustle and bustle of the day and just wanted to get to the hotel to get a breath in. We opened the front door and saw...nothing. No car. Nothing. Jan was quite sure that's where he had left it, but nothing. After about 10 minutes of trying to figure it out, we saw a smiling Jeff and our car on the other side of the building. The next morning we got back to my mom's house to open our gifts and talk about the night before with my family. When I got to Cliff's card, it felt unusually heavy. I opened it and out fell pennies, nickels, folded up dollars and micellaneous other bills and even some lint. I have no idea what the amount added up to, but I'm pretty sure it was whatever Jeff had stuck in his pocket before he left the house. Considering there were 3 Fuzzy's at the wedding that day I'm not sure who was responsible for the other guests, but when I read the guest book I saw that Bugs Bunny, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Bart Simpson, Ben Dover, Sally Stoodntookit, Jacques Strap, and Pete Moss had been there, too. Thanks boys...for always providing the smiles and the laughter.

Submitted by Diane Rinaldi Mathis


  1. Thanks Di and Carrie for sharing another wonderful story about Jeff. This one made me laugh out loud. Really.
    Michelle Schultz

  2. We certainly laughed our asses off when we were filling up that envelope with change from the car. There were tic-tacs in there too. Take three guesses on who's idea that was.

  3. TIC TACS!!!!! i knew there was something else in there. and i never for one second thought any of the trouble was your idea, clifford! you were along for the ride.
